Jon Asquith is our very own business coach. He keeps us under the straight and narrow. Holding us to account to make sure we are going in the right direction supporting our Essex Central Leadership team.

Jon is also an ActionCOACH and managing director of the ActionCOACH Sheffield Territory.

He has over 15 years experience serving business owners around the world. Working with over 1,000 companies at the last count and helped business owners create more than 500 new positions and recruit more than 2000 people.

Having spent most of my professional career serving companies all over the UK, in 2018 Jon decided to focus on the people that mean the most to him, the good old Yorkshire folk. His sole focus is to help transform the lives of Yorkshire business owners and help them create the thing they first dreamt of when starting their business.


His passion is FAMILY, and he loves to spend time with his wonderful wife and two daughters.

Favourite Quote;
“Do or do not, there is no try” – Yoda